Communication Request Form

All announcements are subject to approval and editing. Click on the desired communication means below that apply and complete the information required. You will receive an email confirmation after submitting the form.  We will respond to your request within 5 business days.

Non-EBFC events may only be publicized as a bulletin Board sheet. Communication requests for private events will not be approved.
Contact the church office with any questions at 717-733-2526 or email using link:

Requesting person:

Event Details:

Form updated 2/12/2025

Desired Communication Means:

Form updated 2/12/2025

Bulletin Announcement Details

Limited to 4 weeks (specify dates) and maximum of 50 words.  The church office may revise the text if needed. This announcement may automatically be added to the church website calendar unless otherwise stated.

Bulletin Insert Details

Limited to 1 week and 1/2 page using one of these formats: PNG, TIF, PDF, DOCX.  Email document to church at  The church office may revise the design if needed. This announcement may automatically be added to the church website calendar and events list unless otherwise stated.

An online registration may be used in addition to a bulleting insert by selecting the "Online Event Registration" option.  A QR code will be provided which can be added to the bulletin insert to direct people to the online registration site.

Bulletin Board Poster Details

This is limited to 6 weeks.  Create your own poster or signup sheet using PNG, DOCX or PDF format.  Send an electronic copy to the church at The church office may revise the design if needed. The church office will post the document on the bulletin board.

Bulletin board posted EBFC events may automatically be added to the online calendar and events list unless otherwise stated.

An online registration may be used in addition to a bulletin board poster by selecting the "Online Event Registration" option.  A QR code will be provided which can be added to the poster to direct people to the online registration site.

Social Media Posting Details

After request is approved, contact Lynnea Krall at 717-413-4282 or to initiate an event post on Facebook and Instagram.

Online Event Registration Details

This option allows for easy head count with multiple ticket types, along with customizable registration questions.  Also, users can pay up-front for registration fees using the online payment feature.  Free event registration is available too.

After request is approved, contact Jeff Trowbridge at to initiate an online registration for your event.  A QR code will be provided for use in other approved forms of communication.

Sunday AM Projector Slide Details

Limited to 6 weeks.  After request is approved, email slide to using JPEG format.

An online registration may be used in addition to the Sunday AM projector slide by selecting the "Online Event Registration" option.  A QR code will be provided which can be added to the slide to direct people to the online registration site.

Sunday AM Display Table Details

This is limited to 3 weeks and must be set up in the rear of the Audinasium using a small (4 foot) folding table.  You must provide your own display.  Please be sure the table is manned before and after the service.

An online registration can be used in addition to the Sunday AM display table to allow people to sign up on the spot using their mobile device. For this option, select the "Online Event Registration" option.  A QR code will be provided for your display to direct people to the online registration site.

Send an image of the intended display or get onsite approval of the display from one of the pastors, elders or the office administrator.

Sunday AM Announcement Details

Sunday AM announcements are normally reserved for church wide events. If time allows, the person doing announcements will give a short highlight of the existing bulletin announcement.  This of course requires prior posting of the event in the church bulletin.