The following are the core beliefs of Ephrata Bible Fellowship Church based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
Christ Centered - Jesus Christ and the gospel of grace are central to all that we do.

- The good news about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not simply a message to believe when coming into the faith, but establishes the reality that shapes every aspect of our Christian experience. The Gospel of Jesus Christ informs, influences, and is the unifying factor for everything we do. It's all about Jesus!
- From beginning to end, the Bible relates the unfolding covenant of God's grace in Jesus Christ, therefore becoming like Him is our greatest ambition and making much of Him is our priority in faith and practice.
- We believe that God accomplishes salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone as revealed in Scripture alone for His glory alone.
Bible Based - We are devoted to proclaiming and applying God’s Authoritative Word to every area of our lives.

- We boldly and expositionally preach and teach the meaning and application of God’s authoritative Word, aiming to transform every area of life as people of all ages are practically trained, equipped and brought to maturity in Christ, shown by lives of holiness that overflow with love to others.
- Since the Word of God is a delight to our hearts and life to our souls, we are committed to faithfully reading, meditating and practicing the truths of Scripture.
Spirit-Empowered - We express active dependence on the presence of God to empower our life & ministry.

- We don’t look to models or tools to transform lives but depend on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit for everything that we do.
- We seek to be continually filled with and led by the Spirit as we respond to His leading.
- We anticipate encountering God through a lifestyle of passionate worship in Spirit & Truth, and by pursuing unceasing prayer as our all consuming passion.
- We intentionally equip every member of the Body of Christ for loving service, as the Gifts of the Spirit are eagerly desired, faithfully developed and lovingly exercised among us.
Family Equipped - We live together as a growing family that is learning, caring and serving another.

- We seek to be a family made up of brothers and sisters that promotes learning focused on continuous spiritual growth, a community of care rooted in compassion, real relationships founded on love, genuine friendships that break all barriers, generous giving according to ability, and developing strong leaders committed to sacrifice and sharing influence.
- Our aim is to equip and partner with individual households so that each home is a mission center and kingdom outpost as we raise up a Godly heritage and work towards an eternal legacy.
Mission Driven - We share the good news of Jesus with our neighbors and the nations through our words, actions and the power of changed lives.

- All of life is lived in the context of mission. We are sent to make disciples, starting in the closest neighborhood, reaching to the farthest corners of the world as we proclaim the gospel and invite all to respond with faith and repentance.
- We intentionally invest time and resources to equip and send every believer as ambassadors to share this good news with urgency, clarity and compassion.
- We long to see outposts of Ephrata Bible Fellowship Church; small communities focused on worship, care and mission, take shape in all the towns and neighborhoods represented in our congregation. It is our aim that these communities would grow to become the primary organizing structure of church life.
- We are committed to raising up and sending out, as we develop meaningful partnerships that multiply churches and extend gospel impact throughout the world.
Kingdom Minded - We desire for God's kingdom rule to be displayed in our lives and our community.

- We affirm Jesus Christ rules over all creation as Lord and our allegiance is to His kingdom above all others. As Christians saturate the communities where they live, we look to see Christ’s rule and reign expressed over every corner of the earth.
- We express our citizenship in God’s kingdom through righteous living, vocational excellence, gracious hospitality, ordered households and standing for truth as we seek the good of all.
- We bless the communities where we live and pursue the alleviating of eternal and earthly suffering.